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Power Sharing by Mind Map: Power Sharing

1. Accommodation

1.1. Sri Lanka

1.1.1. 1956 Act Sinhala as an official Language

1.1.2. Preferential policies for jobs and education

1.1.3. No representation to Tamils

1.1.4. Fostered Buddhism

1.1.5. No political autonomy to Tamils and no recognition to Tamil language ...

1.1.6. As a result of all above: Fierce political battle for demand of Tamil Eelam, civil war, economic and human losses

1.2. Belgium

1.2.1. Equal ministers in the central government

1.2.2. Equal minister in Brussels

1.2.3. No unilateral decision

1.2.4. State governments are not subordinate to the Central government.

1.2.5. Community government & 4 times constitution amended

2. Why power sharing is desirable?

2.1. Prudential reasons

2.1.1. Reduce conflicts

2.1.2. Political stability

2.1.3. Unity and integrity of a nation

2.1.4. Avoid domination of majority

2.2. Moral reasons

2.2.1. The very spirit of democracy

2.2.2. Right to be consulted

2.2.3. Participation of all social groups

3. Ethnic Composition

3.1. Sri Lanka

3.1.1. 74% Sinhalese - Buddhist

3.1.2. 18% Tamils 13% Sri Lankan Tamils Rest are Indian Tamils.

3.1.3. 1 % Muslims

3.1.4. 7 % Sinhalese and Tamils - Christians

3.2. Belguim

3.2.1. 59% Dutch speaking population in Flemish region

3.2.2. 40% French speaking population in Wallonia region

3.2.3. Brussels: 80% French and 20 % Dutch

3.2.4. 1 % Germans

3.2.5. Dutch got economic and educational benefits much later

4. Forms of Power Sharing

4.1. Horizontal Power sharing

4.1.1. Different levels of government as Legislature, Executive and Judiciary

4.1.2. No unlimited powers to anyone

4.1.3. The system of checks and balances

4.1.4. Government ministers are accountable to the Parliament

4.2. Vertical Power sharing

4.2.1. Federal division of power

4.2.2. Central government, State government, Local-self government

4.2.3. Constitutional division of power

4.3. Different social groups

4.3.1. Accommodation of social diversities

4.3.2. Belgium: Community government

4.3.3. India: Reserved Constituencies

4.4. Political parties and pressure groups

4.4.1. Political competition

4.4.2. Pressure groups influence the people in power