Language systems and skills

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Language systems and skills by Mind Map: Language systems and skills

1. 1) identification of transfer errors based on error analysis criteria

2. 2)characterization of the errors

3. 3) awareness of the learner about transfer errors

4. They are those that allow us to communicate effectively with other people.

5. Language skills are a set of four abilities that allow an individual to understand and produce spoken language for adequate and effective interpersonal communication.

6. Comprensión lectora

6.1. Decode a written message

6.2. It serves to understand from instructions to information

6.3. The reader must know the written symbols

7. Written expression

7.1. Express ideas using symbols

7.2. It serves to express and communicate

7.3. Symbols change according to culture

8. Treatment of errors.

9. 4)Contrast-focused and targeted sensitization LM-LO

10. Auditive comprehension

10.1. Hear and understand what is being said

10.2. It serves to understand the ideas of others

10.3. It is necessary to understand what they want to tell us

11. Oral expression

11.1. Make articulate sounds or words

11.2. It serves to express our ideas and feelings

11.3. It is the main form of communication