
mind map on repentance islamic

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Repentance by Mind Map: Repentance

1. Conditions of sincere repentance

1.1. to give back the right to whom it is due if it involves a man

1.2. to discontinue the sin

1.2.1. to regret what you have done

1.2.2. to never go back to that sin

2. What is repentance

2.1. Repentance means feel sorrow for & detestation for sins.

3. Things that help to repent

3.1. knowledge

3.2. company of good people

3.3. supplication

4. Benefits of repentance

4.1. love of ALLAH

4.2. realize own embarrassment

4.3. Awareness of evil

4.4. Fear of Allah

4.5. Causes humbleness

4.6. Strengthen the belief

4.7. Best act of worship