Carnival celebrations in Greece

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Carnival celebrations in Greece by Mind Map: Carnival celebrations in Greece

1. Galaxidi Carnival-flour war

2. Xanthi Carnival

3. Rethymno Carnival

4. Dionysus

5. Mardi Gras or Fat Thursday

6. Corfu Carnival

7. Skyros Carnival

8. Tirnavos Carnival-Bourani festivities

9. Patras Carnival-the third biggest in the World!

10. Naoussa Carnival- Genitsaroi and Boules

11. Long, ancient Carnival traditions

12. Three weeks before Lent

13. Parades, dances, traditional music, masquerade balls,carnival king and queen, fancy costumes, masks-Getty Image Gallery

14. Kastoria Festival-Ragoutsaria

15. Carnivals on Sea

16. Kozani Carnival - 'Fanoi' festivities