L&TS Communications

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L&TS Communications by Mind Map: L&TS Communications

1. Clarification of roles

1.1. Team webpage

1.2. Clear statement about what each team does from PP

2. Lack of consistency of comms

2.1. Identify useful social networking tools

2.2. Identify what methods of communication being used for what purposes

2.3. Use controlled filtering

3. Informal / formal meetings

3.1. Volunteering

3.2. Lunches with no work themes attached

3.3. Open house time

4. Lack of consultation and feedback

4.1. Talk to people as individuals

4.2. Know where expertise and knowledge resides and consult it

5. Core information distribution

5.1. Same as 'lack of consistency of comms'

6. Project information sharing

6.1. Google Group

7. Lack of team identity

7.1. Create a team webpage that explains structure and who does what

7.2. Or a Google Group

7.3. Worth getting a logo

8. Promotion of the team

8.1. PP to do presentation at CiCS Staff meeting

8.2. Inform wider word - PR exercise

8.3. PR materials

8.4. LT Event

8.5. Higher profile at CiCS management meetings

9. General apathy

9.1. Volunteering

9.2. Informal team interactions - sense of achievement / kudos

9.3. Lunches / nights out

9.4. Talk to staff individually

10. Lack of a mission statement

10.1. Needs setting out by PP

10.1.1. Regular progress updates required

10.2. Need to have our work contextualised to dept / uni objectives