SUCCESS Achievement System

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SUCCESS Achievement System by Mind Map: SUCCESS Achievement System

1. Break Down Clear Goals into Micro Sprints

1.1. Backlog

1.2. Next Actions

1.3. Doing

1.4. Done

2. Daily, Weekly and Quarterly Checkins on Your Tasks, Goals and Objectives is key to accomplishing big things.

2.1. Review your Calendar at the Beginning of the Week or before the Week Starts to make sure that your Micro Sprints on your Clear Goals are crowding out Quadrant 1,3 & 4 items

2.1.1. Learn to get so busy on Your Micro Sprint Tasks that you have to deprioritize non Goal related or Non Aspirational Objective Activities

3. Get clear on long term Aspirational Objectives

3.1. 10 Years from Now What do you want your life to look like?

3.2. What areas of your life are the furthest from looking like your 10 year vision?

3.2.1. Make those your Aspirational Objective

3.3. 2, 3 or 4 Maximum Aspirational Objectives or Focuses each quarter

4. Create 1 Year Aspiration Plan

5. Break down Aspirational Objectives into Clear Goals or Key Results Quarterly

5.1. Max 3 - 4 Clear Goals per quarter per Objective

5.1.1. Binary Need to know if you hit them or not

6. Do a Yearly Visioning to determine if your 10 year Vision needs updating and reimagine your 10 year vision yet again.