MCCHU Reconciliation Tool

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MCCHU Reconciliation Tool by Mind Map: MCCHU Reconciliation Tool

1. Cashier Report section

2. Compensations module

2.1. Reconciliation table

2.2. Compensation table

3. Safebags database

4. Cash vs Bank module

4.1. Safebags awaiting for bank transfer

4.2. Matched safebags with bank transfer

4.3. Not matched payments [bank transfer]

5. Cards module

5.1. Reconciliation table

5.2. Cards section

5.3. Home delivery - close

5.4. VAT Free Sales - deposit

5.5. Other issues section

6. Cash module

6.1. Reconciliation table

6.2. Safebags sent to bank

6.3. Safebags left at store

6.4. EUR safebags

6.5. Coins at the end of the shift

6.6. Coins at the start of the shift

6.7. Home delivery - open

6.8. Home delivery - close

6.9. VAT Free Sales - deposit

6.10. Other issues section

7. Cashier report

7.1. Safebags section

7.2. Actual cash section

7.3. Cards section

7.4. Other issues section

7.5. VAT Free sales section

7.6. Home delivery section

8. 3V

9. MMC

9.1. MMC-10

9.2. MMC-94

10. Mappings

10.1. Vendor list

11. SAP

11.1. Interim accounts

12. Bank report

12.1. Payments for HUF Safebags

12.2. Payments for EUR Safebags

13. Technical reconciliation module

13.1. Calculation per payment mean

13.1.1. Z-report (MPOS) vs MMC-10

13.1.2. MMC-10 vs SAP (Interim accounts)

13.1.3. Description Shows difference between MMC-10 and SAP Shows difference between Z-Report and MMC-10 Shows total for each of the data source Displays values and differences for each payment mean

14. Dashboard

14.1. Source Data upload section

14.2. Daily Status table

14.3. Error log table

14.4. Technical Recon table

14.5. Reconciliation Results table

15. Delivery module

15.1. Recinciliation table

15.1.1. Compares interim delivery account vs MMC-94 report

15.2. Not paid invoices table

15.2.1. Display not paid invoices from MMC-94 for SAP postings (delivery account)

15.3. Payments table

15.3.1. Display payments for invoices from previous dates for SAP postings (payment mean account)

16. Delivery database

16.1. Compares payments (ERIK-A) with invoices (MMC-94)


17.1. Z-Report

17.2. Pod collected invoices

17.3. Compensations invoices

17.4. VAT Free invoices

18. Pre-payment module

19. Cashiers differences module

19.1. Monthly Cashier Differences overview

19.1.1. Function to export report

20. Poster module

21. Service management panel

22. Daily Status module

22.1. Cashier Report status

22.2. Technical Reconciliation status

22.3. Posting status

22.4. Non-automated activities status

23. Error Log module

24. SMP mappings

24.1. User responsibility (editable)

24.2. Error categories (editable)

24.3. Error areas (editable)

24.4. Non-automated activities list (editable)

25. Vouchers module

25.1. Reconciliation table

25.2. Empties table

25.3. Change vouchers table

25.4. Vouchers with barcode