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1. 1. Set The Table

1.1. Think on paper

1.2. One of the very worst uses of time is to do something very well that need not be done at all.

1.3. Think about your goals and review them daily. Every morning when you begin, take action on the most important task you can accomplish to achieve your most important goal at the moment

2. 2. Plan Every Day In Advance

2.1. Always work from a list.

2.2. Make your list the night before for the workday ahead

2.3. You need different lists for different purposes

3. 20. Develop a Sense of Urgency

3.1. Flow state

3.2. Adjust your ideologies surrounding urgency

4. 19. Create Large Chunks of Time

4.1. Block the time in your schedule

4.2. If you don't take control of your time, others will do it for you

5. 18. Slice and Dice the Task

5.1. Cut a big task down to size using the “salami slice” method of getting work done.

5.1.1. Take a project and break it down to multiple tasks, focusing on one task at a time

6. 17. Get Out of the Technological Time Sinks

6.1. You must discipline yourself to treat technology as a servant, not as a master.

6.2. Sometimes to get more done of higher value, you have to stop doing things of lower value.

7. 3. Apply the 80/20 Rule to Everything

7.1. Is this task in the top 20 percent of my activities or in the bottom 80 percent?

7.2. Resist the temptation to clear up small things first

7.3. Our ability to choose between the important and the unimportant is the key determinant of your success in life and work

8. 16. Motivate Yourself into Action

8.1. Learn what motivates you and use these aspects as tools

8.2. Optimism is the most important quality you can develop for personal and professional success and happiness.

9. 4. Consider the Consequences

9.1. Long-term thinking improves short-term decision making.

9.2. Motivation requires motive

9.3. Forced Efficiency: “There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing.”

10. 15. Maximize Your Personal Powers

10.1. Physical, mental, and emotional energies make up your personal performance and productivity so guard and nurture your energy level.

11. 5. Practice Creative Procrastination

11.1. To set proper priorities, you must set posteriorities as well.

11.2. Continually review your life and work to find time-consuming tasks and activities that you can abandon

11.3. Look at your work activities and identify the tasks that you could delegate or eliminate to free up more time for the work that really counts

12. 14. Put the Pressure on Yourself

12.1. Be a leader, someone who can work without supervision

12.2. Work as though you have only one day to get your most important jobs done.

13. 6. Use the ABCDE Method Continually

13.1. Think on paper. You then place an A, B, C, D, or E next to each item on your list before you begin the first task

13.1.1. A - Verry important - MUST DO

13.1.2. B - Should do

13.1.3. C - Nice to do

13.1.4. D - Delegate to someone

13.1.5. E - Eleminate

14. 13. Identify Your Key Constraints

14.1. What is it in me that is holding me back?

14.1.1. Identify the limiting factor that determines how quickly and well you get it done

15. 7. Focus on Key Result Areas

15.1. Your weakest key result area sets the height at which you can use all your other skills and abilities.

16. 12. Leverage Your Special Talents

16.1. Identify your unique skills and commit yourself to becoming good in these areas

17. 8. Apply the Law of Three

17.1. Quality of time at work

17.2. Quality of time at home

18. 11. Upgrade Your Key Skills

18.1. Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field

19. 9. Prepare Thoroughly Before You Begin

19.1. Create a workspace that you'll enjoy working in and which bring out the highest level of productivity in you

20. 10. Take It One Oil Barrel at a Time

20.1. Take the first step

20.2. Break down into smaller steps

20.3. Actions create clarity

21. 21. Single Handle Every Task

21.1. Practice focus of will and doing only one thing at a time till completion