Stakeholder map

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Stakeholder map by Mind Map: Stakeholder map

1. 3rd level students in Galway

1.1. Student accommodation in Galway

1.1.1. Gort na Corribe, Dun na corribe, Corrib Village, Glasan.

2. UCHG Hospital

2.1. Doctors in UCHG

3. Local businesses

3.1. Buisnesses in Galway employing students

3.1.1. Sult, Starbucks, McDonalds

3.2. Businesses students utilise

3.2.1. Nightclubs, bars, gyms, cafes

4. Governing bodies

4.1. Local council, Department of transport.

4.1.1. Bus Eireann, Galway city council

5. 3rd level students atttending college in Galway but living elsewhere

6. NUIG Health unit

6.1. Health Unit staff

6.1.1. Doctors & Nurses in health unit

7. NUIG Pharmacy

7.1. Pharmacisits

8. Galway city GPs

9. Staff in 3rd level institutions

9.1. Lecturers, Librarians, restaurant staff

10. 3rd level institutions

10.1. NUIG, GMIT, GTI, Galway Buisness School