Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Assessment

1.1. Quantative item analysis

1.1.1. evaluates test items in terms of statistical properties such as item difficulty and item discrimination. It will give information such as the number of people who passed the test.

1.2. Qualitative item analysis

1.2.1. can includes procedures which may include careful proofreading of a test and may point out typographical error that could give answers to the test.

1.2.2. New node

1.2.3. New node

2. Score

2.1. Grades

2.1.1. Some educators question the validity of grades and their relationship to the overall learning process.

2.2. Marks

2.2.1. Marks are given at the end of a course to show that the completion of a task has been accomplished.

3. Learning

3.1. A student's level of learning and achievement is necessary for teachers to make sure they are mastering specific skills from a give curriculum.

3.1.1. New node

3.1.2. New node

3.2. Correlation in learning-means that there is some kind of relationship between two variables but it may not be a cause-effect relationship. Correlation does not prove causality.

4. Measurement

4.1. Portfolios are tools used to show a collection of student work and demonstrate what he or she has learned over a certain amount of time.

4.2. Rubrics- scoring systems which gives a list of criteria to use for assessments.