GCSE Computing videos

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GCSE Computing videos by Mind Map: GCSE Computing videos

1. Hardware

1.1. CPU

1.1.1. Operation

1.1.2. Performance factors

1.2. Logic Gates

1.3. Memory

1.3.1. Part 1

1.3.2. Part 2

1.3.3. Part 3

1.4. Input/Output devices

1.5. Secondary Storage devices

1.5.1. Magnetic Storage

1.5.2. Optical Storage

2. Computer systems

2.1. Model of a computer

3. Databases

3.1. Database concepts

3.2. DBMS

3.3. RDBMS

4. Programming

4.1. Algorithms

4.2. Programming laguages

4.3. Control flow

4.4. Data in algorithms

4.5. Testing

5. Software

5.1. Operating systems

5.2. Classification of software

5.3. software types

6. Data Representation

6.1. Numeric

6.1.1. Binary numbers Binary addition

6.1.2. Hexadecimal

6.2. Images

6.3. Sound

6.4. Characters

6.5. Instructions

6.6. Units

7. Communications & Networks

7.1. Networks

7.1.1. Why networks

7.1.2. Networking hardware

7.1.3. Client/ server & Peer to Peer

7.1.4. Topologies

7.1.5. Local & Wide area networks

7.1.6. Protocols

7.1.7. Security

7.1.8. Policies

7.2. Internet

7.2.1. What is the Internet & www How the Internet works

7.2.2. HTML

7.2.3. File formats Compression