Turkey’s controversial law
by kunal gajbhiye
1. Called
1.1. Preventing Financing of Proliferation of Weapon of Mass Destruction
1.1.1. Proposed by Justice and Developmenty party Recep Erdogan belongs to it
2. Aim
2.1. To keep terror financing and money laundering in check
2.1.1. As recommended by UNSC
3. Why controversial
3.1. Violates provisions under Turkish constitution
3.1.1. Interferes with the right to freedom of association Bill made several changes to 7 laws on Turkey’s law of association After the report of FATF on Turkey
4. Implications of the bill
4.1. power to Turkish government over NGOs
4.1.1. To appoint trustees
4.1.2. To suspend their activities
4.1.3. Seize their assets
4.1.4. Monitor the sources of funding
5. Criticism of the bill
5.1. Move to crackdown dissidents in the country
5.2. After the 2016 coup to overthrow Erdogan
5.2.1. Government targeting journalists,bureaucrats
5.2.2. Government carrying a crackdown on followers of US based Muslim Cleric Fetullah Gulen Accused of plotting the 2016 coup Denies plotting the coup