
TOEFL vocabulary: Biology

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Biology by Mind Map: Biology

1. Botany

1.1. a plant sprout

1.2. parts of a plant

1.2.1. root

1.2.2. stem

1.2.3. bud

1.2.4. petal

1.3. foliage

2. Microbiology

2.1. a cell

2.2. a red blood vessel

2.3. absorption

2.4. amino acid

2.5. enzyme

2.6. protein

2.7. nutrient

2.8. sickle cell trait

3. Ecology

3.1. fossil fuels

3.2. soil

3.3. habitat

4. verbs

4.1. digest

4.2. evolve

4.3. yawn

4.4. snore

4.5. mate

4.6. eliminate disease

4.7. forage

4.8. hatch

5. Anatomy

5.1. liver

5.2. kidneys

5.3. limb

5.4. stomach

5.5. whiskers

5.6. hooves

5.7. lungs

6. Zoology

6.1. feline mammals

6.2. species diversity

6.3. cattle

6.4. flock

6.5. arthropods

6.5.1. insect cockroach moth

6.5.2. centipede

6.5.3. mite

6.6. depending on what they eat

6.6.1. herbivore (plants)

6.6.2. carnivore (meat)

6.6.3. omnivore (both)

6.6.4. prey

6.6.5. predator

6.7. depending on body temperature

6.7.1. ectotherm (cold-blooded)

6.7.2. endotherm

6.8. courtship

6.9. breeding

6.10. nesting

6.11. habitat

7. Diseases

7.1. flu

7.2. plague /pleɪɡ/

7.3. cancer /ˈkæn.sər/

7.4. paralysis /pəˈræl.ə.sɪs/

7.5. chickenpox

8. adjectives

8.1. endemic

8.2. extinct

8.3. endangered

8.4. humid (moist) climate

8.5. venomous.