ISTE Standards for Students

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ISTE Standards for Students by Mind Map: ISTE Standards for Students

1. Digital Citizen

1.1. Students understanding their responsibility of their identity in the digital world. Taking accountability for their digital actions/decisions, but being able to express themselves in a safe and positive environment, ethically and legally.

1.1.1. Making sure that students are aware of their word choice and what they post on the internet is important. Creating a safe and positive environment for everyone is what we want. Putting negative environment can sometimes lead to things far worse than just a fine.

1.2. 2a: Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world.

1.2.1. Example from the video (2a) were having students connect online and send something nice to say to someone. They also were in charge of creating their own rules to make sure only positive things were being posted. They understood that actions have consequences if you say something mean to someone online. Its good to make people happy and feel safe.

1.2.2. My own example would be something similar. I would make sure the students understand that things always leave a mark, but its up to them if they are going to leave a good or bad mark. Choosing good, will bring more good, choosing bad will result in consequences and punishment. Assigning students to post their favorite memory from summer vacation onto a google slide with a picture, each students is to comment each students post of something they liked about the post.

1.3. 2b: Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.

1.3.1. Examples from the video(2b) were students giving feedback to other learners on an assignment. students knowing how to give positive and constructive feedback in a professional and kindly manner.

1.3.2. My example of students engaging in a positive, safe and legal behavior while using technology would be assigning students to a project that requires them to record themselves and upload pictures and recordings. Then after, peer feedback is required from everyone. this will ensure that students give good feedback and whichever resources or recording students use from the internet, are to be cited correctly and asked for permission to use.

2. Knowledge Constructor

2.1. Students exploring tools to deeper their knowledge/information and resources. Reviewing and evaluating the credibility of resources and tools.

3. Innovative Designer

3.1. Students creating an innovating artifacts to test ideas, theories and to solve problems. Creating prototypes as part of a learning and developing process.

3.2. 4a: Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.

3.2.1. 4d; Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems The examples from the video were students had to create a bridge and figure out how much money they needed to spend to gather the materials needed to build the bridge. Example would be assigning students to create a project that will benefit the community, students are to create a physical prototype that will demonstrate the students' project.They are to create the project using voices from the community, local issues, and finding funding.

3.2.2. The examples from the video was that students had one common goal, and they were doing testing and even though they would fail or if it didnt go as planned, they still learned what didnt work. And would continue to work and go act a different angle and learn from their experiments.

3.2.3. My example would be having the students create a playground that has slides and swings. They had to build it and figure out what works and what doesnt along the way.

4. Creative Communicator

4.1. Students choosing appropriate and best fitting tools to meet desired objectives. Using creativity and imagination to communicate to the intended audience.

4.1.1. 6c: The video is about the students using mind craft to create a 3d building. And the students are to describe how they created the buildingd using what.

5. Empowered Learner

5.1. Students using technology to seek more ways to learn. Whether that's looking for a tutorial or using a tool to receive feedback, to learn where mistakes were made or to improve work. Students can also use tools as building blocks for their knowledge.

5.1.1. 1a: The video demonstrates how the students are creating and explain what their goal is. Then they discuss what they learned.

5.1.2. 1c: the video demonstrated the students working a problem on the computer and it telling them if they were right or wrong and will provide immediate feedback. Letting them know where they went wrong, dropping hints, or giving an example of what they're trying to figure out..

5.2. In my classroom i would have them work on addition by using a tool online, that tool will provide assistance if they make a mistake.

6. Global Collaborator

6.1. Students interacting and engaging with other learners throughout the world. Exploring issues and joining in, searching to find solutions to work to a common goal or project.

6.1.1. 7a: The video went over how the teacher went to Africa and said how much trash there was everywhere. Schools from different communities were gathering that trash, plastic bags, and creating purses out of them. And she thought what if her class created jump ropes out of plastic bags.

6.1.2. 7d: The video talked about how the students were excited to learn about sloths because they are endangered and the teacher contacted an expert on sloths and formed a club, "save the Sloths" My own example would be having students pick a country and decide what in that country in need or what issues are pressing. They are to create their own website and project on how people can help that issue