1. Objectives
1.1. Purpose & Function of Spoken Language
1.2. Language and Culture
1.3. Nonverbal Interpersonal Communication
1.3.1. Facial Expressions
1.3.2. Tone & Rate of Voice / Signing
1.3.3. Eye Contact
1.3.4. Body Language & Gestures
1.3.5. Cultural Norms
1.4. Spanish pronunciation: Vowels/Consonants
1.5. Cultural / Contextual norms
1.6. Spanish vocabulary: basic conversational
2. Subject / Grade
2.1. Spanish 1, 9th - 10th grades
3. Lesson #3: Spanish Pronunciation
4. Lesson #4: Group Project
5. Key Vocabulary: Conversational Expressions
6. Key Questions
6.1. Essential: Why is the (Spanish) language so important to interpersonal communication?
6.2. How do peoples of different cultures express language?
6.3. To understand and speak Spanish effectively, what are key phonetic characteristics of the language?
6.4. What are the functions of language?
7. Lesson #1: The Basics of Language (4 Days)
7.1. Unit Introduction
7.1.1. Handout - Unit Outline: 10 minutes
7.1.2. Handout - Personality Survey (Student Portfolio): 10 minutes
7.2. 4 Basic Forums
7.2.1. Brief Lecture - Students begin outline with notetaking on sheet of paper: 5 minutes
7.2.2. Comprehension Reading Listening
7.2.3. Expression Writing Speaking
7.3. Purpose & Function
7.3.1. Think / Pair / Share - Create Graphic Organizer - - - Free Write / Brainstorm: 5 minutes; Group Discussion: 5 minutes; Class discussion: 10 minutes (20 minutes)
7.3.2. Clarify: The unit will focus on interpersonal communication.
7.4. Interpersonal Communication
7.4.2. Lecture - Create a handout about this, with references: 15 minutes
7.5. Application of Interpersonal Communication
7.5.1. Act-out activities: Create templates Teacher Modeling & Discussion (20 minutes) Group Act-outs & Scenario Brainstorm (20 minutes each time, 2 different days)
7.6. Spanish Vocabulary
7.6.1. Non-native speakers: along with textbook vocabulary
7.6.2. Native speakers
7.7. Spanish Grammar
7.7.1. TBD: as per the current level / progression of the semester, relating to unit topics
7.7.2. 10 minutes per class session for this area
8. Lesson #2: Language & Culture
8.1. Review interpersonal communication from Lesson #1 - Q & A to students at random
8.2. Facial expressions & gestures (ASL)
8.2.1. "Can you see what I'm saying" Educational DVD Video w/ handout (1 hour)
8.2.2. Class Discussion: ASL issues, language barriers
8.2.3. ASL YouTube Videos & handout
8.3. Facial expressions & gestures
8.3.1. YouTube Videos (volume muted) "Seinfeld" excerpts "Friends" excerpts Korean soap opera Mexican soap opera Other - student choice
8.4. Voice nuances: tone, volume, entonation
8.4.1. Teacher: I read excerpts with different tones
8.4.2. YouTube or Audio (no visual) Students listen and record comments about the audio
8.4.3. Students: do the same in groups