Synesthesia Quest 2012

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Synesthesia Quest 2012 by Mind Map: Synesthesia Quest 2012

1. TagWhat - AR Browser

1.1. SlideShare Overview of TagWhat

2. Pinterest

2.1. Educational Apps

3. Yodio

3.1. Web 2.0 Apps

4. Piazza

4.1. SIDLIT Take-Aways

4.2. Missing Sessions

5. Mindmapping

5.1. Mindomo

5.1.1. Web 2.0 apps

5.2. MindMeister

5.2.1. Synesthesia Outline

6. Voteit

6.1. Synesthesia Evaluation


7.1. Tutorial-Overview

8. Storyline

8.1. TagWhat Overview Example

9. In Conclusion!

10. Description

10.1. To engage SIDLIT learners in a session that does not have a set time and meeting place.

10.2. To explore and interact with several desktop and web-based apps that may be useful to educators.

10.3. To use SQ12 as an online forum to summarize and report key points or important ideas learned from the concurrent sessions at SIDLIT 2012

11. Overall Organization/Structure

11.1. MentorMob

11.2. XtraNormal Intro

12. MentorMob

12.1. Genealogy Example

13. XtraNormal

13.1. TechnoTipster Blog Explanation

13.2. Animation Overview

14. TweetChat

14.1. Follow #SIDLIT Tweets