So you are a Participant in Upgrader on May 19? Thank You! Hover/click the circles in the grey ...

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So you are a Participant in Upgrader on May 19? Thank You! Hover/click the circles in the grey boxes for detail by Mind Map: So you are a Participant in Upgrader on May 19?  Thank You!  Hover/click the circles in the grey boxes for detail

1. Software to Know

1.1. Zoom Please update your Zoom

1.2. Mural A web tool for guiding co-creation

2. Introduction to Upgrader

2.1. The Upgrader Program

2.2. Your Role

2.3. The Projects

2.3.1. Alya

2.3.2. Kunye Financial

2.3.3. FentaGone

2.3.4. Peko

2.3.5. 3 Projects from the RBC Fast Pitch are chosen on May 3rd

2.4. The Team

2.4.1. Event Host

2.4.2. Facilitators

2.4.3. Mentors

2.5. Thank You to Our Supporting Organizations

3. Support

3.1. Contact Hunter Centre email : phone :

4. Agenda

4.1. 1:00 PM MST (12pm PST, 3pm EST) Arrive in Zoom

4.2. 1:00 - 1:20 PM MST Introduction of Program and Projects

4.3. 1:20 - 2:40 PM MST Workshop

4.4. 2:40 PM MST Update on Projects and Conclusion