Daily Activities

Daily activites - Routines and Habits

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Daily Activities by Mind Map: Daily Activities

1. At night

1.1. Have/eat dinner

1.2. Take a shower

1.3. Go to a Bar

1.4. Go to a/the disco

1.5. Spend time with my family

1.6. watch series/movies

1.7. Go out to eat dinner // eat out

1.8. Listen to music

1.9. Go to sleep

1.10. hang out

2. have breakfast

3. In the morning

3.1. Get up

3.2. Brush my teeth

3.3. go to school

3.4. go to work

3.5. Go to the supermarket

3.6. get up at 5:50 am

3.7. have a/some coffee

3.8. continue sleeping

3.9. go to university

3.10. Study

3.11. Have some tea

4. In the afternoon

4.1. Have/eat a snack

4.2. Have/eat lunch

4.3. go to the gym

4.4. go to the cinema

4.5. Take a nap

4.6. study for /grade exams

4.7. do exercise

4.8. Watch TV series

4.9. Spend time with my friends