Plants and animals have predictable life cycles

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Plants and animals have predictable life cycles by Mind Map: Plants and animals have predictable life cycles

1. Animals offspring resemble their parents

1.1. Create (describe) a mind map for a animal sign at the zoo

2. Animals reproduce offspring of their own kind

2.1. Create (describe) a brochure for an exhibit in a zoo

3. Animal offspring resemble one another

3.1. Create (explain) a poster for a new baby exhibit for the nursery of a zoo

4. Plants reproduce offspring of their own kind

4.1. create (describe) a newsletter for an exhibit at a botanical garden

5. Plant offspring resemble their parents

5.1. create (sketch, draw, or use clip art) a presentation for a wilderness walk at a park

6. Plant offspring resemble one another

6.1. Create (explain) a Picasa web album for a show that people can watch as they enter a botany exhibit