The Fun They Had

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The Fun They Had by Mind Map: The Fun They Had

1. Author: Issac Asimov

2. Old Schools

2.1. Human teacher

2.2. In a building called School

2.3. Kids with same age, learned the same things.

3. Schools in 2157

3.1. Mechanical teacher

3.1.1. Robot

3.1.2. Big screen

3.2. In their own house

3.2.1. one to one

3.2.2. personalised

4. Old school kids

4.1. Laughed together

4.2. Talked together

4.3. Helped each other

4.4. Walked together

5. Margie

5.1. In May 2157 wrote in her Diary

5.2. Tommy Found a REAL BOOK!

6. Tommy

6.1. He found the book in the ATTIC


7.1. It was about old schools centuries ago

7.2. Yellow and crinkly pages

7.3. Words were still

8. E- Books

8.1. Moving text