Cognitive Developmental theory

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Cognitive Developmental theory by Mind Map: Cognitive Developmental theory

1. ability to pair each object counted with a number word

2. last number in a set of object represent the total number of objects

3. conservation

3.1. preservation of physical quantity during transformation & a reaction

4. rota counting

4.1. counting by memory without understanding the meaning of number

5. object enumeration

5.1. count object using the proper sequence

6. cardinality principle

7. one to one correspondance-

8. 7 to 8 years old

8.1. personal & social developmental alert

8.1.1. shows more independence

8.1.2. likes to sing and dance

8.1.3. aware of sexuality

8.2. educator guidelines of computer and video games

8.2.1. the SPICE concept

8.2.2. how to play

8.2.3. time limits

9. 9 to 12 years old

9.1. swearing

9.1.1. way of speaking to express the feeling of anger and frustation

9.2. ouch

9.2.1. an expression of ones physical pain

9.3. gross motor developmental

9.3.1. swimming

9.3.2. gymnastic , skitting

9.3.3. jumping , running , twisting

9.3.4. throwing, catching and bending

9.4. fine motor skills

9.4.1. tripod grasp established

9.4.2. control on writing, painting

9.4.3. manipulation of play dough

9.5. cognitive development

9.5.1. abstract thinking understand complex concept such as death, illness, adoption

9.5.2. independent thinking

9.5.3. conversation uses langauage to express feelings may immitate slang or swearing

9.5.4. reading comphrension in terms of grammer

10. make friends

11. healthy challenge

12. 3 to 4 years old

12.1. Sleep pattern

12.1.1. 10 hours per night

12.1.2. no afternoon nap

12.1.3. get ready for bed

12.2. eating patterns

12.2.1. prepares own breakfast

12.2.2. self cleanup

12.2.3. self serving

12.3. communication

12.3.1. reads familiar words

12.3.2. can copy words

12.3.3. use short sentences

12.4. gross motor skills

12.4.1. tripod grasp refined

12.4.2. enhanced eye hand cordnation

12.4.3. reproduces own name

12.5. cognitive skills

12.5.1. rote counting upto 100

12.5.2. object arrangements by size

12.5.3. conservation skills

12.6. personal & social development

12.6.1. emotional control

12.6.2. can use humor

12.6.3. fewer mood swings

12.7. toileting skills

12.7.1. can go toilet alone

12.7.2. able to use toilet

12.8. toileting routine

12.8.1. remind the child to flush

12.8.2. teach the child to wash hands

12.8.3. teach child to wipe the seat

12.9. flash card

12.9.1. make learning more meaningful

12.9.2. encourage to memorize words

12.10. ball skills

12.10.1. throws ball overhand

12.10.2. better control on kicking the ball

12.11. gross motor skills

12.11.1. balancing

12.11.2. running

13. 5 years old

13.1. obstacle course

13.1.1. series of challenging physical obstacle a team must navigate through

13.2. benefit

13.2.1. a lot of exercise and fun

13.3. cognitive

13.3.1. able to write 1 to 100 with few mistakes

13.3.2. able to recognise things

13.3.3. the child may or may not learn to help themselves

13.4. nightmare

13.4.1. stay calm

13.4.2. think about themselves

13.4.3. stay with the child

13.5. communication skills

13.5.1. can state full name and address