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Product Name by Mind Map: Product Name

1. Part 1: Digging Deep

1.1. How can this be used in the classroom?

1.1.1. Text here

1.2. What pain points does this product address?

1.2.1. Text here

1.3. What problem(s) does it solve?

1.3.1. Text here

1.4. What need does it meet?

1.4.1. Text here

1.5. What desire does it fulfill?

1.5.1. Text here

1.6. What sets it apart from what already exists on TpT?

1.6.1. Text here

1.7. What transformation will the teacher/classroom/students undergo as a result of using this product?

1.7.1. Text here

1.8. What will life be like before and after using this product

1.8.1. Text here

2. Deadlines + Dates

2.1. Estimated time to create

2.1.1. # of days/weeks here

2.2. Deadline for Finished Product

2.2.1. Date here

2.3. Deadline for Listing on TpT

2.3.1. Date here

3. Part 2: The Logistics

3.1. Who is your target audience for this product?

3.1.1. Text here

3.2. What grade level(s) is this for?

3.2.1. Text here

3.3. What subject area(s) is this for?

3.3.1. Text here

3.4. What type of resource is it?

3.4.1. Text here

3.5. How long will it take a teacher to use this? (teaching duration)

3.5.1. Text here

3.6. Price

3.6.1. Text here

3.7. Length (how many pages/slides/etc.)

3.7.1. Text here

3.8. What classroom/school setting is ideal for this product? (whole class, small group, etc.)

3.8.1. Text here

4. Part 3: The Pieces + Parts

4.1. All product versions (1 PDF, 1 PowerPoint file, a collection of files, an editable version, a Google Slides version, etc.)*

4.1.1. Text here

4.2. Product preview (can be PDF, video, or both)**

4.2.1. Text here

4.3. Thumbnail images**

4.3.1. Text here

4.4. Terms of Use (credits)*

4.4.1. Text here

4.5. Instructions for use*

4.5.1. Text here

4.6. Answer key*

4.6.1. Text here

4.7. *Included in the product file the teacher downloads that contains their purchased materials **Uploaded as part of the product listing; not included in actual purchase

4.7.1. Text here

5. Part 4: Map It Out

5.1. Create a sketch

5.1.1. Text here

5.2. Prepare the product template

5.2.1. Text here