How might we help Filipino elderly and caregivers administer medications religiously to promote o...

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How might we help Filipino elderly and caregivers administer medications religiously to promote overall health and well-being? by Mind Map: How might we help Filipino elderly and caregivers administer medications religiously to promote overall health and well-being?

1. Caregivers tend to be intimidating to the elderly when they try to make them understand their maintenance for medication.

1.1. HMW help the caregivers make it easier to track the medication for the elderly?

1.2. Even if they don't live together, caregivers (children) want the best for the elderly.

1.3. HMW make our elderly trust the science of medicine (doctors, medication, treatment)?

2. The elderly often resist submitting themselves for diagnosis.

2.1. HMW convince our elderly to commit to medical treatment?

2.2. The elderly jump to conclusions that their fellows get worse after they are diagnosed by doctors and take medications.

3. Caregivers often have a hard time to convince the elderly to take their prescribed medication religiously.

4. Some elderly, out of fear do not completely disclose their discomforts and symptoms to avoid medication.

5. The elderly consult their peers and people from the same age category and discuss amongst themselves the effects of the drugs they are taking.

5.1. The elderly confide to their friends more as they do not have much interaction and/or time with their children.

6. The elderly often doubt the diagnosis of doctors.

6.1. HMW educate the elderly with regard to their misconception about their medicines?

6.2. The elderly don't follow the doctor's advice; they may need external and constant motivation or reminders.

7. Elderly miss their medication because they forget to re-stock

7.1. HMW make medication more accessible (easy to find within the house)?

7.2. It is inconvenient for the elderly to re-stock themselves

7.3. HMW make medication more accessible amidst the pandemic?

8. Some elderly take pride in their health and well-being they think they don't need to take medication.

8.1. Its often difficult to persuade the elderly - they will take it as a personal attack on how they maintain their health or wellbeing

9. The elderly consult their peers and people from the same age category and discuss amongst themselves the effects of the drugs they are taking.

9.1. Some elderly believe that some medications can cause negative effects based on their peers' opinion and experience from taking certain medicines.

9.2. HMW help the elderly connect with others in the same situation so that they may empower others and understand their own situation better?

10. Caregivers are often antagonized when the elderly argue.

10.1. Caregivers tend to be impatient when discussing with their elderly

10.2. HMW improve the relationship between the elderly and caregivers?

10.3. HMW create non-intrusive reminders for caregivers and elderly?

11. The elderly turn a blind eye when it comes to medication and lifestyle related topics.

11.1. HMW help the elderly adapt to their future lifestyle after medical treatment?

11.2. HMW encourage the elderly to adjust their lifestyle to improve their quality of life?