Foreign accents in a globalized world.

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Foreign accents in a globalized world. by Mind Map: Foreign accents in a globalized world.

1. Lecturer Diego Marín

2. The myth of clariry

3. No accent is better than the other ones

4. Everybody has an accent, so there aren't "neutral" accents

5. Northern irish, belfast, Newry

6. Let's interact

7. Native speakers

8. Nobody language

9. American and british accents are clear

10. Instituto de Lenguas Fray Bernardo de Lugo O.P.

11. Myths about accents

12. Like a vergin...

13. Hower, the other accents are weird

14. Beg your pardon?

15. Prestige accents

16. American and British accents are homogeneous

17. No way

18. First language

19. Interlanguage

20. Second language

21. Clarity depends on how familiar you are with an accent

22. Anybody who speaks it

23. I have an accent

24. Me too

25. If you chose british which british accent?

26. Scottish, Edinburgh,Glasgow

27. Welsh, cardiff, swansea