Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. Alternate form estimates of relability This method of reliability is obtained by administering two alternate or equivalent forms of a test to the same group and then correlating the results as soon as possible

2. Test and Retest estimates of reliabiity. This method administers the same test twice to the same group within a small time frame between testing and correlation of the test scores

3. Internal Consistency Estimates of reliability has two catergories. Split half estimates which divides test in equal halves and then correlates the halves with each other. The second catergory is the Item total correlation reliabilty. This method is used with single test. It uses a shorter form of an original longer test.

4. Validity The method by which you can demonstrate that a test has validity. Validity demonstrates that a test measures what it suppose to measure

5. Predictive Validity Evidence this method refers to how well a test can predict the behavior on test taken in the future.

6. The Criterion Related Valideity Evidence has two types of test. One the Concurrent Validity Evidenceis determined by admnistering the test initially given and another test to determine the correlation between the two sets of test.

7. Content Validity this method inspects the test todetermine if the are related to the material taught.