E-learning Guides
by Peter Rainger
1. FULL Technology Training Guides
1.1. TurningPoint
2. e-Learning Briefing Papers
2.1. Using technology to support student induction
2.2. E-assessment and feedback (underdevelopment)
2.3. E-administration (under development)
2.4. ELearning @Birmingham (2 side A4) - Info for new staff
3. Case Studies
3.1. Case study template
4. Guides for students
4.1. Netique for online discussions
5. Collaboration & Sharing Idea
5.1. Google docs
5.2. Ubidesk
6. Technology Quick Start Guides
6.1. DIBL
6.1.1. JING
6.1.2. MovieMaker
6.1.3. Photostory
6.1.4. ComicLife
6.1.5. Audacity
6.2. MDS
6.2.1. TurningPoint
6.3. Turnitin
6.4. ReLOAD
7. Pedagogical /Educational Guides
7.1. DIBL Guides
7.1.1. 1. Enquiry Based Learning 2. Orienting Students to Blended Learning 3. Setting Expectations in Blended Learning 4. Facilitating Effective Student Introductions 5. Reasons for Online Discussions 6. Case Studies: Connecting Theory to Practice 7. Integrating Video in Blended Learning 8. Creating and using Rubrics for Assessment 9. Improving Student Writing through Peer Review 10. What is Evaluation?
8. Screen Capture Demos
8.1. Physics LIP
8.1.1. Delicio.us - social bookmarking
8.1.2. GoogleReader -RSS
8.1.3. NewsGater - RSS
8.1.4. Recording and editing with Audacity