Chapter 2: Foundations of The Daily 5

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Chapter 2: Foundations of The Daily 5 により Mind Map: Chapter 2: Foundations of The Daily 5

1. Trust

1.1. positive relationships

1.1.1. New node

1.2. demonstrate caring

1.3. mutual respect

1.4. builds independence

2. Choice

2.1. highly motivational

2.2. purpose

2.3. control

2.3.1. New node

2.4. high level of engagement

3. Community

3.1. common experiences

3.2. healthy classroom culture

3.3. sense of ownership

3.4. caring, learning environment

4. Urgency

4.1. every learning moment counts

4.2. clarity of purpose

4.3. reading/learning is important

5. Stamina

5.1. start small and work up

5.2. lots of support to start

5.3. New node

6. Staying Out of the Way

6.1. students make decisions

6.2. allow independence

6.3. self monitoring

7. New node