Nelson Mandela Long walk to freedom

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Nelson Mandela Long walk to freedom by Mind Map: Nelson Mandela  Long walk to freedom

1. 10th May(Autumn's day)

1.1. Inauguration ceremony

1.1.1. Took place in Union building of Pretoria Black's singing " die stem"

1.1.2. Deputy president First deputy president, Thabo Mbeki Second deputy president, Mr de Klerk. Attend by all political leaders and dignitaries over 140 countries.

1.1.3. More than 100,000 south African men, women and children of all races were present.

1.2. Mandela's experience on that day

1.2.1. Display of pinpoint and precision military force and military's loyalty to government

1.2.2. New African flag

1.2.3. Two anthem Whites singing " Nkosi Sikelel - iAfica"

1.2.4. Military generals

2. Nelson Mandela

2.1. First black president of South Africa .

2.2. His party won 252 out of 400 seats in democratic elections.

2.3. Name of his daughter was Zenani

2.4. Courage

2.4.1. To Mandela courage was not the absence of fear but triumph over it.

2.5. Head of African national Congress.