peer pressure and it's influence on today's youth

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peer pressure and it's influence on today's youth by Mind Map: peer pressure and it's influence on today's youth

1. effects attitude

1.1. new perspectives

1.1.1. ways of liviing life of others

1.2. personality change

1.2.1. tone of voice

1.2.2. facial expression

1.2.3. moods

1.3. how treat others

1.3.1. words spoken towards them

1.3.2. actions

1.3.3. judgment

2. effect style

2.1. types of music

2.2. apparel

2.3. brand names

3. effect activities people do

3.1. with friends

3.2. with family

3.3. schools,clubs,organization,jobs,hobbies etc

4. interviews

4.1. a teen

4.1.1. views of peer pressure

4.1.2. ever been peer pressured

4.2. an adult

4.2.1. views of peer pressure

4.2.2. any experince of peer pressure

4.3. why belive peer pressure on one another

5. what is peer pressoure

5.1. meaning of peer pressure

5.2. who it effect

5.2.1. adult

5.2.2. teens

5.2.3. basically everyone

5.3. how to pressure someone

5.3.1. what people will say

5.3.2. what people will do

5.3.3. people ways of persuation

6. types of peer pressure

6.1. negative

6.2. positive

6.3. direct

6.4. indirect

7. motives

7.1. right decisions

7.2. confidence

7.3. please others

8. choices

8.1. ignore it

8.2. following it

8.3. effect a person who it is

8.3.1. what they are willing to do or not do

8.3.2. a person goal or no goal for life