Curriculum Evaluation

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Curriculum Evaluation by Mind Map: Curriculum Evaluation

1. 1.Precess of making informed judgment through *Benchmarking of mission, vision and outcomes *Systematic data collection *Value, utility, effectiveness *Produced desired results

2. 2.Process of Collecting information *Systematic and continuous process *Gathering and analysing data *Decision making about quality and effectiveness

3. 3.Data Analysis *Analyse data that was collected *Were the outcomes and benchmarks accomplished *Were the students, society.,health care instituion met. if not why?

3.1. New Topic

4. 5.Evaluation Results *Determine if the existing curriculum meets Human Resource needs, students needs, health care systems, social expectations. *Where are the gaps according to data *Where do changes need to occur to improve and maintain quality.

5. 4.Data Synthesis *Combine data and generate reprts *Formulate recommendations