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C++ by Mind Map: C++

1. Operators

1.1. Arithmetic operators

1.2. Assignment operators

1.3. Relational operators

1.4. Logical operators

1.5. Bitwise operators

1.6. Other operators

2. Data Types

2.1. int

2.2. float

2.3. double

2.4. char

2.5. wchar_t

2.6. bool

2.7. void

3. Features

3.1. Simple

3.2. Popular

3.3. Case sensitive

3.4. High-level programming language

3.5. Speed

3.6. OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)

3.7. Platform or Machine Independent/ Portable

3.8. Compiler-Based

3.9. DMA (Dynamic Memory Allocation)

3.10. Existence of Libraries

4. Applications

4.1. Browsers

4.2. Libraries

4.3. Operating Systems

4.4. Banking Applications

4.5. Graphics

4.6. Cloud/Distributed Systems

4.7. Embedded Systems

4.8. Databases

4.9. Compilers

4.10. Telephone Switches

5. Flow Control

5.1. Selection

5.1.1. if

5.1.2. if...else

5.1.3. Nested if...else

5.2. Loop

5.2.1. for

5.2.2. while

5.2.3. do...while

5.3. continue Statement

5.4. break Statement

5.5. Statement

5.6. goto Statement