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Python by Mind Map: Python

1. Python Basic

1.1. Environment Setup

1.2. Variable Types

1.3. Basic Operators

1.4. Decision Making

1.5. Loops

1.6. Strings

1.7. Tuples

1.8. Dictionary

1.9. Functions

1.10. Modules

1.11. Exceptions Handling

2. Applications

2.1. Web Development.

2.2. Game Development

2.3. Scientific and Numeric

2.4. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

2.5. Software Development

2.6. Enterprise-level/Business

2.7. Education programs and training courses

2.8. Language Development

3. Operators

3.1. Arithmetic Operators

3.1.1. + , - , * , / , ** , //

3.2. Comparison Operators

3.2.1. ==,!=,<>,<,>,<=,>=

3.3. Assignment Operators

3.3.1. *= , /= , -= , += , %=

3.4. Logical Operators

3.4.1. AND

3.4.2. OR

3.4.3. NOT

4. Structures

4.1. Built-in Data Structures

4.1.1. list

4.1.2. tuple

4.1.3. set

4.1.4. dictionary

4.2. User-Defined Data Structures

4.2.1. stack

4.2.2. tree

4.2.3. linked list

4.2.4. graph

4.2.5. hash map

5. Object Oriented

5.1. Class

5.2. Class variable

5.3. Data member

5.4. Function overloading

5.5. Instance variable

5.6. Inheritance

5.7. Instance

5.8. Extensible

5.9. Instantiation

6. Functions

6.1. Arguments

6.2. Recursion

6.3. Anonymous Function

6.4. Global, Local and Nonlocal variables

6.5. Global Keyword

6.6. Modules

6.7. Python Package

7. Data type

7.1. int

7.2. Basic Syntax

7.3. float

7.4. complex

7.5. boolean

7.6. string

7.7. tuple

7.8. list

7.9. dictionary

8. Features

8.1. Easy

8.2. Expressive

8.3. Free and Open-Source

8.4. High-Level

8.5. Portable

8.6. Interpreted

8.7. Object-Oriented

8.8. Embeddable

8.9. Large Standard Library

8.10. GUI Programming

8.11. Dynamically Typed

8.12. Operator overloading