LMS Committee Spheres
by Larry Jansen
1. Core Coordinating Committee
1.1. Larry Jansen, Outreach
1.2. Meg Van Baalen-Wood, ECTL
1.3. Christi Boggs, Outreach
1.4. Jen Chavez, IT
2. Faculty (Outreach)
2.1. Randy Weigel, Agriculture
2.2. Nicole Choi, Business
2.3. Tricia Johnson, Education
2.4. Linda Johnson, Health Sciences
2.5. Doris Bolliger, Education
2.6. Debra Beck, PolSci, A&S
2.7. Karen Williams, Agriculture
3. Students
3.1. Athena Kennedy
3.2. Emily
3.3. Students of ITEC 5030 - Online Teaching
4. Faculty, campus
4.1. Tammy Mielke, Education
4.2. Kem Kruger, Pharmacy
4.3. Michael Brose
5. WySAC?
6. Institutional Issues
6.1. Andy Hansen
6.2. Maggi Murdock
6.3. Meg Skinner
6.4. Reed Scull
6.5. Procurement (RFP)
6.6. Legal (contracts)
6.7. Institutional Analysis
7. System Administration
7.1. Robin Hill
7.2. Jeff Miller
7.3. Rachel Sanchez
7.4. IT re: API, WyoWeb
7.5. Tom Barnett, Outreach
7.6. Judy Atencio, Outreach
7.7. Joelanne Berrigan, Outreach
8. IT
8.1. Jesse Ballard, Academic Computing
8.2. Eric Mattimoe, WyoWeb
8.3. Samantha Bessler,
8.4. Someone with API
9. Student & Academic Support Services
9.1. Registrar's Office
9.2. UDSS
10. Instructional Support
10.1. Cody Connors, Outreach
10.2. Lloyd Curtis, UW/CC
10.3. Robin Hill, ECTL
10.4. Jeff Miller, Outreach