Group 1's (Amanda, Ferllicia, Leah, Jennifer, C. Xue Ting) mind map : Anti-semitism
by XueTing Chim
1.1. -They were publicly humiliated and jewish children were bullied in school
1.2. -They were deprived of many things, like education and jobs
1.3. -They took over many professional and others jobs from german people
1.4. -They lost their right to be German citizens and marriage between Jews and non-Jews was forbidden.
1.5. -The Jews in Nazi Germany sufferedafter January 1933.Some rich Jews could afford to leave Nazi Germany (or were forced to) but many could not. Thugs in the SA and SS were given a free hand in their treatment of the Jews.
1.6. -JEWS were rounded up and were forced to live in a ghetto which was heavily guarded
1.7. -Many jews died because of forced labour, starvation, brutality, disease and execution
2.1. -Jews lived under harsh conditions in the camps
3.1. -Hitler used his position to launch an anti-semitism campaign
3.2. -Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany's many misfortunes
3.3. -Hitler clearly show racism in berlin olympic 1936
3.4. -Hitler doesnt allow non-germans to emigrate to Germany and those who came since 2nd august 1914 were forced to leave immediatly
3.5. -Hitler attempted to make life so unpleasant for Jews in Germany that they would emigrate.
3.6. -Germans were banned from shopping in jewish shops
3.7. -The nazis made up facial measurement system - they measure the noses using vernier callipers to determined their race
3.8. -Hitler believed that the Jews were involved with Communists in a joint conspiracy to take over the world.
4.1. -The hunger in the ghettos were so bad that the jews were laying in the street dying
4.2. -Very little medicine provided for the jews there