
الطلاب:عمر جمال النادى العمروسى--نور الدين هشام مرسى ابو حلوه

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python by Mind Map: python

1. Education

2. USE

2.1. Web and internet Development

2.2. Database Access

2.3. Desktop GUIs

2.4. Scintific & Numeric

2.5. Network Programing

2.6. Software & Game Development

3. Farmworks

3.1. Web Programming

3.1.1. Django

3.1.2. Flask

3.2. GUI Development

3.2.1. wxpython

4. learn Basic Python

4.1. An informal introduction to python

4.1.1. Using Python as Calculator Numbers String lists

4.1.2. First Steps Towards Prodramming

4.2. Data Structures

4.3. More Control Flow Tools

4.4. Modules

4.5. Input and Outpot

4.6. Errors and Exception

4.7. Classes

5. leran python Library

5.1. Brief Tour of the Standard Library

5.2. Brief Tour of the Standard library- Part ll