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java by Mind Map: java

1. operators

1.1. The Logical Operators

1.1.1. && (logical and)

1.1.2. || (logical or)

1.1.3. ! (logical not)

1.2. The Bitwise Operators

1.2.1. & (bitwise and)

1.2.2. | (bitwise or)

1.2.3. ^ (bitwise XOR)

1.2.4. ~ (bitwise compliment)

1.2.5. << (left shift)

1.2.6. >> (right shift)

1.2.7. >>> (zero fill right shift)

1.3. The Relational Operators

1.3.1. >= (greater than or equal to)

1.3.2. <= (less than or equal to)

1.3.3. != (not equal to)

1.3.4. < (less than)

1.3.5. > (greater than)

1.3.6. == (equal to)

1.4. The Arithmetic Operators

1.4.1. + (Addition)

1.4.2. - (Subtraction)

1.4.3. * (Multiplication)

1.4.4. / (Division)

1.4.5. % (Modulus)

1.4.6. ++ (Increment)

1.4.7. -- (Decrement)

2. Primitive Data Types

2.1. short

2.2. int

2.3. long

2.4. float

2.5. double

2.6. boolean

2.7. char

2.8. byte

3. Notations

3.1. \r

3.1.1. Carriage return

3.2. \t

3.2.1. tab

3.3. \f

3.3.1. Formfeed

3.4. \b

3.4.1. Backspace

3.5. \s

3.5.1. Space

3.6. \"

3.6.1. Double quote

3.7. \'

3.7.1. Single quote

3.8. \\

3.8.1. backslash

3.9. \ddd

3.9.1. Octal character

3.10. \n

3.10.1. Newline

3.11. \uxxxx

3.11.1. Hexadecimal UNICODE character

4. Variable Types

4.1. Local Variables

4.2. Instance Variables

4.3. Class/Static Variables

5. features

5.1. Platform Independent

5.2. Simple.

5.3. Object Oriented

5.4. Architecture-neutral

5.5. Portable

5.6. Robust.

5.7. Multithreaded

5.8. Interpreted

5.9. High Performance

5.10. Distributed

5.11. Dynamic

6. Applications

6.1. Mobile

6.2. Desktop GUI

6.3. Web-based

6.4. Enterprise

6.5. Scientific

6.6. Gaming

6.7. Big Data technologies

6.8. Big Data technologies

7. Loops

7.1. while loop

7.2. for loop

7.3. do...while loop