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Lawyer by Mind Map: Lawyer

1. Foreign language

2. Professional qualities of a lawyer

2.1. Heightened sense of justice.

2.2. High level of professional knowledge.

2.3. Striving for self-improvement.

2.4. Persistence in achieving goals.

2.5. Punctuality, commitment.

2.6. Sociability.

3. Branches of law

3.1. Administrative law

3.2. Civil law

3.3. Criminal law

3.4. Family law

3.5. Constitutional law

3.6. Financial law

4. Sciences that lawyers study

4.1. Theory of State and Law

4.2. History of state and law

4.3. Constitutional law

4.4. Roman private law

5. Types of legal professions

5.1. Solicitor

5.2. Barrister

5.3. Prosecutor

5.4. Legal consultants

5.5. Judge

5.6. Notaries