Natural Treatment for ADD and ADHD Treatment For ADHD - Philadelphia Holistic Clinic - Dr. Tsan &...

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Natural Treatment for ADD and ADHD Treatment For ADHD - Philadelphia Holistic Clinic - Dr. Tsan & Associates by Mind Map: Natural Treatment for ADD and ADHD Treatment For ADHD - Philadelphia Holistic Clinic - Dr. Tsan & Associates

1. Treatment for ADHD in children and adults can help relieve the symptoms and make the condition much less of a problem in day-to-day life. ADHD can be treated using medicine or therapy, but a combination of both is often best. Treatment of ADHD is usually arranged by a specialist, such as a pediatrician or a psychiatrist. Medications for ADHD are an important part of ADHD treatment in adults and ADHD treatment in children. Doctors can choose from many types of drugs to control symptoms of the disorder. Read the full article here: Treatment For ADHD - Philadelphia Holistic Clinic - Dr. Tsan & Associates