Passion Road Map

Passion road map Alejandro González

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Passion Road Map by Mind Map: Passion Road Map

1. 5 Years

1.1. I will have finished my music production studio

1.2. I will have traveled abroad at least once for a live performance

1.3. I will have hired staff for my baking business and opened another store in the city

1.4. I will be consolidating myself as a reference artist in the country

2. Lifetime

2.1. I will be an internationally recognized artist

2.2. My baking business will be recognized nationally

2.3. I will have married my current girlfriend

2.4. I will have properties in Colombia and Miami

2.5. I will have a foundation for the homeless and homeless pets where they can have food, a stay, entertainment and rehabilitation spaces

2.6. I will keep a good relationship with my family

3. 3 Months

3.1. By the end of August I will have released at least 2 songs

3.2. I will be taking my first steps in the underground scene

3.3. I will have stopped being so lazy

3.3.1. I will have to start sleeping better

3.3.2. I will have to set daily, weekly and monthly goals

3.3.3. I will have to schedule my time and avoid distractions

3.3.4. I will have to exercise to activate my brain, eliminate toxins and be more creative

3.3.5. If I want to be a renowned music producer and dj, I will have to start taking action and try harder to achieve this goal.

3.4. I will have started saving money for my driving license

4. 1 Year

4.1. My baking business will have grown

4.2. I will have started saving money for my motorcycle

4.3. Within a year I will have read more than 3 books

4.4. I will be implementing new music production equipment to my home studio