Concepts/ideas related to Orchestration Load & How we can lower the burden

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Concepts/ideas related to Orchestration Load & How we can lower the burden by Mind Map: Concepts/ideas related to Orchestration Load & How we can lower the burden

1. Teacher tasks

1.1. Sense making (student)

1.2. Feedback after the activity

1.3. Planning

1.3.1. Timing Monitoring

1.4. Physical tasks

1.5. Evaluating content in real time

1.6. Managing external factors

1.7. Content/process/social aspects of OL (as targets to react to)

2. Cognitive Load

2.1. Orchestration Load as an element of CL

2.2. Content Load - evaluating the content in real time

2.3. Process load - handling organizational matters

2.4. "Competing loads"

2.5. Emotional factors/load - could increase or lower the load

3. Teacher expertise / competence

3.1. TPACK framework

3.2. Load lowers with experience?

4. Measuring OL

4.1. Biosensors

4.1.1. Sensors

4.2. Physical space utilization

4.3. Eye gaze

4.4. Tool/technology Use/integration

4.5. Real time measurement versus post-measurement

4.6. Flow/integration between technologies/activities

5. Measurement of student activity

5.1. Representation

5.2. Visualization

5.3. Ambient Feedback

5.4. Sense-Making

5.5. Measure of tool use, e.g., drawing, text input

6. Shared orchestration load

6.1. Learners

6.2. Teachers

6.3. System/Tools

7. Lesson plan

7.1. Asynchronous/synchronous setting

7.2. Online versus face-to-face

7.3. task complexity

8. Interaction between teacher expertise and lesson plan that needs to be enacted

9. Definition of OL

9.1. the multi-faceted load (cognitive, content, socioemotional, process) associated with managing the complexities of teaching and related decision-making to support student learning within fixed and variable constraints