1. Action Items
1.1. test run software
2. Hello,
3.1. New node
4. Like Joy's idea of pract-icing
4.1. it's so helpful to do it with someone else (motivation, helps with questions coming up)
4.2. I agree. I found out how to shift quickly from the map to map...look up at the upper right hand corner...clicking on one of the arrows will move you back and forth.
4.2.1. OH! I just realized there was another room for brainstorming! I was brainstorming here (below right)
4.2.2. New node
4.3. I like going to properties and clicking on images (under "Icons and Images") and then "use web image" and you can type in words and find images from google. Fun! It gives people a chance to get more creative, again if not an intervention but a meeting.
4.4. Answering the question about the bubble color...the program gave each of us a different bubble color...see the bottom of page.But I do not know how to change the colors. Also, I am on a laptop and I can not see the full page and every few seconds my computer tells me that my internet connection is not good...using wifi
4.4.1. Oh. In my case my bubbles are not blue, are they blue for you?
4.4.2. Joy, I don't know if Aileen has joined us --Cindy
4.4.3. New node I don't think so, unless it wasn't you that said "Like Joy's idea of practicing" I think this could get kind of busy pretty quickly... and it's not that intuitive for me, would defintely take a dry one with folks Good night talk to you later--Cindy
4.4.4. On my screen your bubles are blue and mine are red.--Cindy Oh, for me yours is red but mine are gold. But this color goes away after I'm done typing. Could get confusing if you didn't set up a norm of stating who you were in the post- Joy New node