Pedagogical Trends in Teaching ELLs

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Pedagogical Trends in Teaching ELLs by Mind Map: Pedagogical Trends in Teaching ELLs

1. Supportive Strategies

1.1. prompt and ongoing feedback

1.2. corrective feedback

1.3. scaffolds

1.3.1. sentence stems and frames

1.3.2. word banks

1.3.3. graphic organizers

1.4. clear and ongoing assessment of students

1.5. teacher modeling

2. Language instruction

2.1. theories for success

2.1.1. strategic use of L1 bilingual education

2.1.2. engage and expect higher level thinking skills

2.1.3. maintain high expectations

2.1.4. meaningful and engaging content/student-inteest driven

2.2. Oral language

2.2.1. talk moves

2.2.2. Total Physical Response

2.2.3. Reader's Theatre

2.2.4. repetition

2.2.5. types of discussions paired discussions small group discussions assigned roles (specific responsibilities) whole group/class discussion

2.2.6. less teacher talk

2.3. Literacy Development

2.3.1. explicit instruction (direct and indirect) for English conventions such as syntax, vocabulary, grammar, etc.

2.3.2. Use of leveled readers (one level abouve student's current level)

2.3.3. lots of practice with reading comprehension skills such as context clues, word etymologies, prefixes, suffixes, inference, predicting, summarizing, paraphrasing

3. Type of Instruction/Physical space

3.1. Pull-out support

3.2. ELD classroom

3.3. Sheltered instruction

3.4. Push-in support

3.5. Mainstream classroom

4. Teaching Tools/Technology

4.1. Translators

4.2. YABLA

4.3. pronunciation/audio files and videos

4.4. Google classroom

4.5. Google Read and Write

4.6. Text-to-speech

4.7. Audio-visuals (videos, animated gifs, etc)

4.8. Storyboard That

4.9. Parlay

4.10. Electronic Portfolios

5. language acquisition and theories

5.1. collaborative student learning

5.2. reaching proficiency/ number of years of instruction required

5.3. everyday conversational language vs. academic content language

5.4. "the language gap" and intervention

5.5. "Rapid acquisition" for levels 1-3; "plateau effect" for levels 3 to 5