Panopto Lecture Capture Schematic Cloud Server
by Drew Paulin
1. Lectern computer data (Screen capture / Application capture)
1.1. Lecture slides (PowerPoint/pdf)
1.2. Excel
1.3. Other applications/programs
2. Secondary laptop (optional)
2.1. Omni microphone Audience / room mic USB Snow Flake mic (Cardioid / directional) - OR USB Polycom C100S (Dual Cardioid / omni) -
2.2. Note: We think the room mic should be on a separate input source than the other audio, so that if ambient room noise is too high we can duck it / remove it without altering other audio.
3. MacBook Pro
3.1. A/V output (Firewire V / Crestron A)
3.1.1. Ceiling mounted Web Camera (Instructor camera) Cam: ELMO PTC 400C -
3.1.2. Wireless lapel mic - (Instructor mic)
3.1.3. Lectern mic (optional)
3.1.4. Second wireless mic - (optional) this could be a mic passed around student audience to ask questions