Tools for Reading

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Tools for Reading by Mind Map: Tools for Reading

1. google docs, google slides

2. - simplify the language

3. pre-stage

3.1. Slido (pre-reading questions, survey, voting)

3.2. KWL Chart(using google doc or google slide)

3.3. Pre-reading Question ( e.g. using breakout room )

3.4. Jamboard, Mindmeister (for brainstorming)

3.5. liveworksheet

4. post-stage

4.1. padlet

4.2. canva(to make a poster)

4.3. plickers

4.4. kahoot

4.5. google form(exit ticket)

5. while-stage

5.1. ppt

5.2. graphic organizer

5.3. nearpod

5.4. peardeck

5.5. KWL

5.6. genialy(good for uploading further information and let Ss do research for themselves/interactive communication is possible)

5.7. zoom - small group (for jigsaw reading)

5.8. newsela- choose reading materials according to different reading levels