Interview with #107. President Entrepreneurship Society

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Interview with #107. President Entrepreneurship Society создатель Mind Map: Interview with #107. President Entrepreneurship Society

1. What

1.1. 1st Event Coordinator

1.1.1. Logistics

1.2. 2nd President

1.2.1. Old people left

2. Motivation

2.1. I want to keep the association going because it is important to me

2.2. At first build up resume

2.3. Good people came to present

2.3.1. I want to help student like it the way he enjoyed it

3. Start

3.1. 0) Professor pushed him to check out the society to build up his resume

3.2. 1) Attended an event

3.2.1. didn't do much for a year apart from reading TED Entrepreneurship related

3.3. 2) GFC: couldn't get an internship so really got involved at the exe level

3.4. 3) Participarted Young Achievers Australia

3.4.1. randomly saw an email

3.4.2. started a business for 6 months


3.5. 4) Met friend Adam

3.5.1. explored entrepreneurship constantly

3.6. 5) Hackaton

3.6.1. 2 days for developing a business

4. Businesses

4.1. Carbon Crusade

4.1.1. Low margin stopped business

4.1.2. still on Facebook

4.2. Orthopedics

4.2.1. didn't like the field

5. Degree

5.1. Law degree

5.2. 5 years to get the opportunity, it's time to conclude

6. Hero / Mentor

6.1. Nicky

6.1.1. Ex UTS student who created 99 dresses

6.2. I surround myself with people who are a few steps ahead of me

7. Results

7.1. Built up a huge network

8. Attributes

8.1. Not a perfectionist

8.2. Control Freak

8.3. I am a 1st generation migrant, we are more willing to work harder

8.4. Was introvert, became extremely extrovert

8.4.1. New node

9. Serendipity

9.1. I made sure to prepare for the opportunities I got

9.2. Professor who told him to check out that society

9.3. YA program

9.4. I did not plan to attend my 1st ACES event but I was at Uni on that day

9.4.1. eye opener

10. What I would change

10.1. No business degree

10.2. no law degree

10.3. I learned to do something I love, not loving the idea of doing it

10.4. I would love to learn hard skills like programming

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