GOAL: In the end, the learner will be able to select, assemble and measure ingredients to bake bl...

Leveraging goals, outcomes and objectives for course planning

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GOAL: In the end, the learner will be able to select, assemble and measure ingredients to bake blueberry muffins. por Mind Map: GOAL: In the end, the learner will be able to select, assemble and measure ingredients to bake blueberry muffins.

1. OUTCOME 1: The learner will be able to assemble the correct ingredients and supplies

1.1. Objective 1a: The learner will be able to locate the correct supplies in the pantry.

1.1.1. Show the recipe and point out the ingredients. Explain the different dry ingredients, illustrating with images. This is X. It does X in the muffins. Items include flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, cinnamon, vegetable oil

1.1.2. Telling the difference between flour, sugar & salt, baking powder & baking soda

1.1.3. Drag and drop activity: Image of a pantry with items to drag to a table. User must select all items needed as shown on a recipe card.

1.1.4. Is this... : close up image of salt and sugar, baking powder or baking soda

1.2. Objective 1b: The learner will be able to locate the correct supplies in the refrigerator

1.2.1. Show the recipe card and identify the ingredients that would be in the refrigerator. Blueberries, egg, milk, butter

1.2.2. Drag and drop activity: Image of an open refrigerator with items to drag to a table. User must select all items needed as shown on a recipe card.

1.3. Objective 1c: The learner will be able to locate measuring tools, bowls, and baking pans

1.3.1. Show the bowl, measuring spoons, liquid and dry measuring cups, muffin pan, whisk and muffin papers for lining the cups

1.3.2. Explain the difference between measuring wet and dry ingredients and show the two cups for doing so.

1.3.3. Click and highlight activity: Show cabinet, drawer in a kitchen. Clicking opens the drawer and cabinet. User must click the correct items needed for the recipe

1.4. Outcome assessment:

1.4.1. Part 1: User is shown a recipe card and a picture of a kitchen with a visible pantry, refrigerator, cabinet and drawer, each with a number on it. Ingredients from the recipe appear as a list, with a dropdown containing the numbers 1-4. User must select where to find each ingredient using the dropdown.

1.4.2. Part 2: The drag and drop activity is repeated for the pantry, refrigerator, and added for the tools from the cabinet/drawer. In the end all of the ingredients and supplies are on the table.

2. OUTCOME 2: The learner will be able to accurately measure the ingredients and prepare for baking.

2.1. Objective 2a: The learner will be able to accurately measure liquid items

2.1.1. Show a liquid measuring cup. Explain the lines and how they represent fractions.

2.1.2. Demonstrate pouring the correct amount for one of the ingredients.

2.1.3. Learner is given an image of a measuring cup and a recipe. They must drag the item to the cup and click on the correct line showing how high to fill the cup. Image changes to correct answer (i.e 1 cup of milk) when it is correct and set aside. A new cup appears until they have measured all of the ingredients. Corrective feedback given if the item is not liquid or they select the wrong amount.

2.1.4. Is this correct? Learner is shown a recipe card and images of different liquid ingredients in measuring cups, filled correctly and incorrectly. Learner must select the correctly poured ingredients.

2.2. Objective 2b: The learner will be able to accurately measure dry items

2.2.1. Show a dry measuring cup set. Explain the sizes and how they represent fractions.

2.2.2. Demonstrate collecting the correct amount for one of the ingredients. Explain leveling the top rather than a heaping measure.

2.2.3. Learner is given a measuring cup set and a recipe. They must drag the item to the correct cup. Corrective feedback given if the item is not dry or they select the wrong cup.

2.2.4. Is this correct? Learner is shown a recipe card and images of different dry ingredients in measuring cups, filled correctly and incorrectly, and the an assortment of correct and incorrect matches. Learner must select the correctly measured ingredients.

2.3. Objective 2c: The learner will be able to use appropriate tools for mixing

2.3.1. Show a whisk, fork, mixer and a blender. Discuss mixing the batter and why some work and others don't.

2.3.2. Show different size mixing bowls and discuss selecting an appropriate size.

2.3.3. Show the cabinet and drawer again. Ask learner to take out the tools for mixing. This will be used in the next activity.

2.4. Objective 2d: The learner will be able to add the ingredients and mix the batter to an appropriate consistency

2.4.1. Explain adding the dry ingredients first and mixing them. Explain the importance of good blending so the contents are equally distributed. Demonstrate mixing.

2.4.2. Explain adding the liquid ingredients and mixing to the correct consistency.

2.4.3. Use the items from the recipe card to drag the words to the bowl taken in the last step. Student must drag the dry, then stir with the whisk, then add the liquid, stirring according to the recipe.

2.4.4. Show several images of the mixed ingredients. Student must select the correct texture for mixed appropriately.

2.5. Objective 2e: The learner will be able to pour the appropriate amount into the pan

2.5.1. Show how much to pour in each pan, explaining what will happen if they over or under fill.

2.5.2. Matching exercise: Show a flat muffin where not enough was poured into the pan, a muffin that has overflowed all over the tin, and a correctly baked muffin. Student must match images of too little batter, too much batter, and just right to the results to demonstrate understanding of the amount added.

3. Outcome 3: The learner will be able to bake to proper doneness

3.1. Objective 3b: The learner will be able to set the oven to the correct temperature

3.1.1. Point out the temperature indicated on the recipe and talk about what happens when too high and too low.

3.1.2. Show how to set the oven temperature.

3.1.3. Discuss preheating the oven.

3.1.4. Give the learner several recipe cards and have them type the temperature on the spot for setting the temperature.

3.2. Objective 3b: The learner will be able to identify the time to bake on the recipe

3.2.1. Point out the time indicated on the recipe and talk about what happens when too short or tool long. Talk about adjusting time based on doneness.

3.3. Objective 3c: The learner will be able to locate and set the oven (or similar) timer

3.3.1. Talk about timer options: on the oven, microwave, Alexa, phone. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of relying on the clock.

3.3.2. Give the learner images of a variety of timing devices and a recipe. Have them "set" the correct time for each.

3.4. Objective 3d: The learner will be able to determine doneness and adjust the recipe accordingly.

3.4.1. Show ways of testing doneness using a toothpick, or similar item. Show not done, ready, and signs of overcooking.

3.4.2. Give images of several muffins being tested. Ask learner to decide if the muffin is ready or should be baked more.

3.5. Outcome assessment: Learner is given a recipe, and oven image with the ability to set the time and temperature. They must set the oven temperature and time. Ask a question about when to set the time, and another about how they know when the oven is preheated.


4.1. Outcome

4.1.1. Objective Content Activity Assessment


5.1. Part 1: Tie together all of the activities from the beginning in sequential order and have learner walk through assembling the ingredients, preheating the oven, mixing, pouring, baking, testing.

5.2. Part 2: Show a variety of outcomes and have the learner identify what went wrong. Include someone tasting and exclaiming YUCK! This tastes like salt, a batter that has done nothing in the pan, an overdone muffin, a overflowing muffin.

5.3. Optional: have the learner bake a batch of blueberry muffins and submit a picture of the completed project. (There are potential issues with this around cheating and ability to have all ingredients.)