Augmented Reality Concept and Techniques

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Augmented Reality Concept and Techniques by Mind Map: Augmented Reality Concept and Techniques

1. How it works?

1.1. How AR works:

1.1.1. First pick a real world scene and add your virtual objects in it. Then, delete real world objects and it is not VR since environment real.

2. Display

2.1. Display:

2.1.1. -Head-mounted Display(HMD)

2.1.2. -Eye Glasses

2.1.3. -Contact Lenses

2.1.4. -Virtual Retina Display

2.1.5. -Handheld

2.1.6. -Spatial

3. AR vs VR

3.1. AR system augments real world scene while VR is totally immersive.

3.2. sense of presence in real world and needs a mechanism to combine virtual and real worlds.

3.3. Visual sense for VR are under control of system.

4. Applications and Examples

4.1. Applications of AR:

4.1.1. -Medical

4.1.2. -Entertainment

4.1.3. -Military Training

4.1.4. -Engineering Design

4.1.5. -Robotics and Telerobotics

4.1.6. -Manufacturing, maintenance and repair

4.1.7. -Consumer Design

4.1.8. -Hazard Detection

4.1.9. -Audio

5. Augmented Reality

5.1. Ar is a combination of real scene viewed by a user and virtual scene generated by computer that augment the scene with additional information.

5.1.1. Ultimate goal of AR user cannot tell the difference between real world and virtual augmentation of it.

6. Augmented Reality System

6.1. AR system adds virtual computer generated objects, audio and other sense enhancements to a real-world environment in real time.