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Overview by Mind Map: Overview


1.1. *My thesis defines both Practitioners AND Participants as collective 'Participants' (this is not an attempt at defining a new creative methodology, it is a tool to support, inform and feed back to existing methodologies).


1.2.1. It is experimenting with applying video content development methods in various project contexts.


1.3.1. Although my thesis explores commercial applications for SCs, my thesis does not endeavour to define or explore the efficacy of SC for Marketing outcomes/purposes.


1.4.1. A cluster of multiple short videos which canvas the breadth of subjects within a given project makes for more entry points for people to care and about and share online.

1.4.2. In the case of Story Clusters supporting or promoting Feature Content - SCs cast a wider net to snare potential audiences.

1.5. Media has changed, marketing has changed, yet creative development and storytelling contexts have not. SC responds to this - providing new ways to engage, refer and develop video content work (or refer to thru video media).

2. FROM KAREN: "There is nothing in your production model, so far, that is different from the production model of a short film. Do you think that there will be or is that your point, that there isn’t?"

2.1. THIS SHOWS ME HOW LITTLE SHE REALLY GETS IT. Set your LC out in a more straight forward manner - with ample definitions & in simple language. She has a point re the 2 arrows i've linked to the boxes below - you've said it IS a new methodology, and also NOT a new methodology below. I know what you mean - but you need to make it clearer in your LC. Make a clear distinction between scs AS the feature content, and scs INFORMING/DIRECTING the development of the feature content. And then there is also the whole ruckus thing of making a sc WITH the content you get from them re feedback about working with an sc model to develop their feature content (between the cracks performance). So - there are a few different applications of scs going on here. There may even be others that you plan to try out? So you need to spell out any different types of applications for scs, and give examples - ie: YHA sc is the end product, versus btc sc which is directing the fc. See below for LC breakdown (what I reckon anyway): 1. - You definitely need to begin by defining your question/hypothesis. Remember to define any new words or concepts that you introduce (such as *participants & *'new and traditional' project methods). 'ie: do sc constitute a new way of working, for people?'. Defining a question and backing any assertions in that question up with literature is actually very easy. 2. - Then (as Karen said) commenting on why it is significant or important. This section is where you need to DEFINE what a story cluster is - in simple words and in detail. - Then you need to go on & list the possible APPLICATIONS of scs (only list the applications you are planning to explore - any others go into your case study section, and research outcomes/implications/observations sections). - Define each of them as best you can for now (noting that they are to be explored during your MA, & the definitions you give now are hypothetical only). - Comment on the potential benefits/implications that story clusters may have in each type of application - and also for the different groups of people involved in a given project/program (practitioners, audience, and also the implications for the development & marketing of the feature project/content/business/social-issue itself). - Remember again to define any new words or concepts that you introduce. 3. - Add any literature references/reviews which you can refer to in above definitions, hypothesis', comments on benefit/implications - but you go more into detail about them here (in dot-point form only). referring to information which informs the terms of your research and you need to contextualise what you've researched in reference to your informations/definitions. 4. - List any further QUESTIONS regarding each type of sc application here I reckon. So - all the content from your 'questions' section to the right. 5. - List the content/format of your OUTPUT for each sc application and all questions. I reckon that's pretty much it. By the way - she's down with you now. For some reason. And by down I mean she likes/trusts you more. So that's pretty cool.


3.1. Do Story Clusters exist?

3.1.1. MANY Multiplatform/Transmedia Examples Scorched.TV Dexter Transmedia Study

3.1.2. SS48

3.1.3. YT Video Responses

3.1.4. News/Info Content

3.1.5. Porn

3.1.6. It Gets Better -YouTube posts -


3.2. What projects & applications are suitable/not suitable for these methods?

3.3. What distinguishes traditional creative development, from the development of ongoing emergent clustered video content?

3.3.1. What defines traditional development?

3.3.2. Exploring what FITS, what DOESN'T for different projects What is this "fit" defined by?

3.3.3. Design use cases (distinct to existing Case Studies)

3.4. What is participant's experience of working with Story Clusters?

3.4.1. New node

3.5. Explore different sc models for diff applications

3.5.1. Ruckus Rehearsal Shoot Rehearsal Discussion/Feedback/Ideas Projection Production Meetings Drawings Video Content Prezi Marketing

3.5.2. TheReelTHING

3.5.3. YHA

3.5.4. Developing the new Reelists new website as a story cluster

3.5.5. Between The Cracks – documentation, marketing C : YHA – Marketing C : The Reelists – Engagement, Networking, Marketing CF? MeFarm – Engagement,


4.1. Feedback from practitioner/participants re development that incorporates a Story Cluster. From myself &/or participants re accessing audio/visual materials re their emerging work, i.e. meetings, rehearsals, audio, etc. OUTPUT: Blog &/OR Video Interviews, Video Content, etc

4.2. Define a Story Cluster

4.2.1. Example

4.2.2. Fast, Emergent, inclusive

4.2.3. Short form video online

4.2.4. Non-linear Navigation Tags Geo Location Prezi

4.2.5. EITHER Directs people to Featured Content &/OR Encourages people to further explore and engage with the cluster.


4.3.1. The project ITSELF is an experiment in incorporating all this content into a SC structure - feeding back to MYSELF and Academic audience, and refining.

4.4. Documenting given Projects thru SC

4.5. Feeding back this content to participants & public

4.6. Reflection and insights