History of Visual Communications

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History of Visual Communications by Mind Map: History of Visual Communications

1. Heiroglyphics and the Egyptians

1.1. Rosetta Stone Discovered

1.1.1. Helped break the code of the long forgotten Ancient Egyptian language Champollion is greatly credited for helping to decipher the Ancient Egyptian alphabet

1.2. Visual symbols represented words and ideas

1.3. Used to record information about religion and government

2. Cave Paintings

2.1. Oldest form of graphic communication

2.2. used to tell stories, religious reasons, & hunting techniques

2.3. sites include Chauvet Point D'are and Lascaux

2.4. Beautiful paintings put on cave ceilings and walls

3. Gutenberg Press

3.1. Invented by Johannes Gutenberg

3.1.1. Born in Germany under the upper class

3.2. Printing with movable type

3.3. revolutionized education,literature, and book printing

3.3.1. One of the most notable inventions in history

3.4. First book printed: the bible

3.4.1. was significantly cheaper; later thousands of copies were produced

4. Linotype Machine & Typewriter

4.1. Typewriter invention inspired by Clephane

4.2. Typewriter invented by Christopher Sholes

4.2.1. Clephane tested it

4.3. Typewriter inspired Clephane to create something better

4.3.1. Linotype was invented revolutionized paper printing keyboard composed of 3 colored parts Black: Lowercase letters White: Uppercase Blue: Punctuation etc.

5. Invention of the Camera

5.1. Was first used as a way to observe light

5.2. During 18th century, camera shrunk in size

5.3. First photograph taken by Joseph Neipce

5.4. Different processes were invented to attempt photography

5.4.1. Daguerrotype Light sensitive metal sheet exposed to light and picture was created

5.4.2. Calotype Picture created using light sensitive paper

5.4.3. Wet Plate glass plates used as the negative

5.5. Eastman Kodak Company

5.5.1. Even though the processes worked, Kodak overcame them all in 1900, Kodak released the Brownie; a comfortable,easy to use, and cheap camera available to the everyday person

5.6. Instant photography later became another large success

5.6.1. Invented by Edwin Land; it allowed for the taking of a picture and its printing in only 1 step

6. Cuneiform

6.1. Created to keep track of business transactions

6.2. Written on clay tablets

6.3. world's first written language

6.3.1. Began as a series of pictograms and more characters were created over time

7. The Phonetic Alphabet

7.1. Provided the basis for 2 very important languages

7.1.1. Greek Considered the worlds first true alphabet Consisted of vowels, consonants, letters, and symbols

7.1.2. Roman/Latin Most influential language in the world The serif was put into use A serif is a curve or hook at the end of letters Contributed a lot to type design with the concept of baseline and descender

8. Codex & Illuminated Manuscript

8.1. Codex

8.1.1. Invented during the Roman Empire Covered and bound collection of pages using parchment Replaced the scroll and papyrus Codex adopted by Christianity

8.2. Illuminated Manuscript

8.2.1. Used during the Dark Ages Written by Monastic Monks They were books with beautiful drawings done on each page- sometimes taking years to complete a volume Reserved for religious text & written with natural quill pens Later, the manuscripts were replaced by the printing press

9. Invention of the Computer

9.1. First universal computer: Univac

9.1.1. Designed by Eckert and Mruchly

9.2. Fortram invented to power computers. It was the first high level programming language

9.2.1. Helped lead to SpaceWars: the first computer game

9.3. Mouse invented to make the computer easier to use

9.4. One of the most important inventions leading to the computer was the Arpanet

9.4.1. Used to protect flow of military information Later led to one of the most important inventions in history; the internet

9.5. 2 companies fomed

9.5.1. Microsoft Led by Bill Gates in response to Macintosh, Windows Operating system was invented

9.5.2. Apple Led by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1984, apple introduced Macintosh

9.5.3. Both competed for the market