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Creature by Mind Map: Creature

1. Ugly

1.1. Horrific appearance

1.1.1. Scares people Outcast

1.2. Feels alone

2. Huge

2.1. 8 feet tall

3. Unnatural

3.1. Created by Victor

3.2. Attempts to become part of nature

3.2.1. Learning the ways of humans

3.3. Good natured

3.3.1. Not evil

4. Victor

4.1. Creates him

4.2. Got scared by his appearance

4.3. Ambition

4.3.1. Leads to unforeseen consequences

4.4. New node

5. Society

5.1. Doesn't accept him

5.2. Creator

5.2.1. Victor Abandoned him

5.3. Villagers and other people

5.3.1. Runs away from him

5.4. Attempts to become part of society

6. Outcast

6.1. Lives in the hovel next to a shack

6.2. No one accepts him

6.2.1. His appearance

7. Learning

7.1. DeLacey Family

7.1.1. Watches their movement

7.1.2. Listens to them teach Safie

8. New node